Advantages of steel frame construction:

  • Speed-of-build: A typical steel frame home of 200m² takes 5-6 months to complete, instead of 8-10 months using traditional brick-and-concrete.
  • Cost: Reduced construction time results in significant labour-cost savings.
  • Adaptability: The weight of a steel frame building is distributed evenly throughout its structure. This reduces the need for interior supporting walls, allowing greater interior space and freedom of architectural design.
  • Stability: Unlike other building materials, steel will not warp, twist, crack, bow, swell, shrink or rot. Steel offers the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any building material.
  • Flexibility: Steel buildings settle easily on their foundations, minimising risk of superficial cracks etc. This flexibility also offers a high degree of resistance to earth tremors.
  • Insulation: Steel frame cavity walls are filled with high-insulation materials which deliver far superior thermal values to conventional brick construction. Warmer in winter and cooler in summer, an LSF home offers significant savings on heating & cooling bills.
  • Internal environment: The same insulating materials also result in a humidity free environment with healthier air quality and a more comfortable ambience.
  • Investment: The substantially reduced construction time means a faster return on investment. This offers a significantly attractive advantage to commercial developers.